How Good Is Your Mobile Site? Importance Of Responsive Web Design

It is no epiphany that mobile is the best available alternative for browsing the web. It overtook the desktop these days. If you are designing any website then how important for it to be responsive? How a responsive design of any website pays off to success of it or any campaign? Here in this blog, we get answers to all these questions. First and foremost question what do you mean by responsive web design? Introduction to Responsive Web Design: It is an assortment of techniques by which a website is enabled to acclimate the size of screen or resolution of the screen it is being viewed on. Consider you are using a website which is responsive, no matter you are

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How to Personalize a WordPress Theme to Make It Fit Your Brand

Personalize a WordPress Theme

WordPress has been the most sought after open source platform to build websites on because of how easy it is to use and all the customization it offers. In its initial years, WordPress was almost exclusively used for blogging. If you can find a customizable WordPress theme, then half your job is done. With time, WordPress evolved to become of the strongest content management systems. There are thousands of themes that offer brilliant designs and layouts for all kinds of websites. Whatever the nature of your website - business, blog, e-commerce, etc. - there are plenty of ways to make it look highly professional with a great UI/UX. There are customizable virtual stores to personalized blog features that you can have

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